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Alumni Festival 2018

Created: 2018-10-25 11:46
Institution: University Development and Alumni Relations
Description: (No description)

Media items

This collection contains 19 media items.


Media items

Are your genes to blame when your jeans don’t fit?


Join Dr Giles Yeo to explore our genetic differences and how our different responses to the environment affect obesity.

Collection: Alumni Festival 2018

Institution: University Development and Alumni Relations

Created: Thu 25 Oct 2018

Brexit and taking back control


Join Professor Catherine Barnard to consider the current state of play with Brexit and the outlook for the future.

Collection: Alumni Festival 2018

Institution: University Development and Alumni Relations

Created: Thu 25 Oct 2018

Climate change: a scientific update


Join Dr Emily Shuckburgh to find out what the latest science tells us about the scale and urgency of the climate change threat.

Collection: Alumni Festival 2018

Institution: University Development and Alumni Relations

Created: Thu 25 Oct 2018

Environmental stewardship, from the mountain to the sea


Join Chris Sandbrook and Masters in Conservation Leadership alumni to explore the challenges facing our world, and discuss how best we can protect our planet.

Collection: Alumni Festival 2018

Institution: University Development and Alumni Relations

Created: Thu 25 Oct 2018

Extraordinary possibilities for concrete structures


Explore how the use of flexible moulds might change our approach to using concrete, the second most used substance on earth after water, with Dr John Orr.

Collection: Alumni Festival 2018

Institution: University Development and Alumni Relations

Created: Thu 25 Oct 2018

From gene to device: the route to disease diagnostics in low resource countries


Understand how synthetic biology is being used to design a pathway from gene to diagnostic in the diagnosis of infectious disease.

Collection: Alumni Festival 2018

Institution: University Development and Alumni Relations

Created: Thu 25 Oct 2018

From nano to macro: the latest molecular insights into the causes of Dementia - the greatest threat to modern healthcare


Join Tuomas Knowles, Professor of Physical Chemistry and Biophysics, to hear how Cambridge is working to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying dementia, the greatest...

Collection: Alumni Festival 2018

Institution: University Development and Alumni Relations

Created: Thu 25 Oct 2018

Ideas of nudge: using behavioural insights to influence people


Dr Vincent Mak, from Cambridge Judge Business School, introduces nudge, the art and science of influencing behaviour through subtle changes in the environment.

Collection: Alumni Festival 2018

Institution: University Development and Alumni Relations

Created: Thu 25 Oct 2018

Nobody ever got fired for buying IBM: can governments really embrace digital innovation, and should they?


Dr Tanya Filer asks if governments really can embrace digital and emerging technologies.

Collection: Alumni Festival 2018

Institution: University Development and Alumni Relations

Created: Thu 25 Oct 2018

Post-truth as post-democracy


Professor Rae Langton argues that a living democracy needs and deserves better than post-truth.

Collection: Alumni Festival 2018

Institution: University Development and Alumni Relations

Created: Thu 25 Oct 2018

Sustainable cities of the future: the challenge of urban design


Join Professor Paul Linden to hear about the ‘Managing Air for Green Inner Cities’ (MAGIC) project.

Collection: Alumni Festival 2018

Institution: University Development and Alumni Relations

Created: Thu 25 Oct 2018

The driving forces of future cities: a historical and international perspective


What makes a city viable and sustainable, and what drives the development of future cities?

Collection: Alumni Festival 2018

Institution: University Development and Alumni Relations

Created: Thu 25 Oct 2018

The formation and evolution of galaxies across the cosmic epochs


Professor Roberto Maiolino explores our current understanding of the early phases of galaxy formation in the primeval Universe and the processes that have transformed galaxies...

Collection: Alumni Festival 2018

Institution: University Development and Alumni Relations

Created: Thu 25 Oct 2018

The inflamed mind: a radical new approach to depression


Join Professor Ed Bullmore as he reveals breakthrough new science on the link between depression and inflammation of the body and brain.

Collection: Alumni Festival 2018

Institution: University Development and Alumni Relations

Created: Thu 25 Oct 2018

To Bee or not to Bee: shared immunity through food


Join Eric Miska, Herchel Smith Professor of Molecular Genetics, to hear about the magic molecule RNA.

Collection: Alumni Festival 2018

Institution: University Development and Alumni Relations

Created: Thu 25 Oct 2018

Tree-rings at the interface of archaeology, climatology and ecology


Discover how dendrochronology, the dating of tree-rings, is identifying and shifting research frontiers and cross disciplinary boundaries.

Collection: Alumni Festival 2018

Institution: University Development and Alumni Relations

Created: Thu 25 Oct 2018

What they best like


Nicholas Hytner wonders why high art shouldn’t be popular and why entertainment shouldn’t be high art.

Collection: Alumni Festival 2018

Institution: University Development and Alumni Relations

Created: Thu 25 Oct 2018

When cuteness goes wrong – the truth about short-faced dogs


Find out how Cambridge vets are addressing the health problems suffered by flat-faced dog breeds using a unique test

Collection: Alumni Festival 2018

Institution: University Development and Alumni Relations

Created: Thu 25 Oct 2018

Why are flowers so many different colours?


Uncover the relationship between flowering plants and the animals that pollinate them with Professor Beverley Glover

Collection: Alumni Festival 2018

Institution: University Development and Alumni Relations

Created: Thu 25 Oct 2018