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Kalmyk Cultural Heritage Project (ASTROLOGY, LITURGY AND PRACTICE)

Kalmyk Cultural Heritage Project (ASTROLOGY, LITURGY AND PRACTICE)'s image
Created: 2015-04-06 13:36
Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology
Description: Due to its geographical isolation and remoteness from other Buddhist centres such as Tibet and Mongolia, Buddhism in Kalmykia has developed rituals that are either less prominent or unknown among other Mongolian groups. The cult of Tsagan Aav (White Old Man) is one of them. Elevated to the status of a national god, Tsagan Aav in Kalmykia is a powerful deity that both protects Kalmyk clans and individuals. Not only can his image be seen on domestic altars next to the Buddha Shakyamuni, but his name is mentioned in almost all prayers that Kalmyks recite during clan rituals and national celebrations such as Zul, Tsagan Sar and Ur(s) Sar. Among sacred days of each month, when people observe fasting (matsg), the day of honoring Tsagan Aav holds a special place. Apart from rituals, Kalmyks have also developed a unique astrological system of calculating Buddhist celebrations and astrological signs called meng which are based on Tibetan Buddhist astrology.

On this page, you can see videos about astrology, predictions, liturgy, prayers, sacred texts, rituals, and daily practices carried out by clergy and the laity alike.

Media items

This collection contains 87 media items.

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Media items

Alexandr Nasakaev, About Religion


Alexandr says that in Kalmykia people practise both Buddhism and pre-Buddhist beliefs, including a belief in the eternal sky (tengrianstvo) and shamanism. People should accept...

Collection: Kalmyk Cultural Heritage Project (ASTROLOGY, LITURGY AND PRACTICE)

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Fri 29 May 2015

Alexei Naranov, About Aldkhl Zyarlg


This video features a short interview with Alexei about the Book of Predictions (Aldkhl Zyarlg).

Collection: Kalmyk Cultural Heritage Project (ASTROLOGY, LITURGY AND PRACTICE)

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Fri 26 Jan 2018

Anatoliy Safinov, About My Religion


Anatoliy believes in Buddha, adheres to the Dalai Lama, and reads prayers. In his youth, he recalls, they also celebrated such religious holidays as Zul, Ur Sar, and Tsagan Sar....

Collection: Kalmyk Cultural Heritage Project (ASTROLOGY, LITURGY AND PRACTICE)

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Sun 27 Sep 2015

Antonina Kookueva, About the Diamond Sutra


Antonina says that the Diamond sutra, which every Kalmyk household had in the past, has a deep Buddhist meaning.

Collection: Kalmyk Cultural Heritage Project (ASTROLOGY, LITURGY AND PRACTICE)

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Tue 28 Aug 2018

Badma Ochirova, About a Man Who Could Control the Weather


Badma recounts a story about a Kalmyk man called Bryudikov Bodva who could control the weather:

Collection: Kalmyk Cultural Heritage Project (ASTROLOGY, LITURGY AND PRACTICE)

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Fri 26 Jan 2018

Bembya Mitruev, About Kalmyk Buddhism and Fasting Days


Bembya says the following: Judging by some old texts and cult objects, it can be said that Kalmyk Buddhism did not differ very much from Tibetan Buddhism. The only differences...

Collection: Kalmyk Cultural Heritage Project (ASTROLOGY, LITURGY AND PRACTICE)

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Sun 28 Apr 2019

Boris Dochkaev, An Old Kalmyk Prayer


Boris talks about an old Kalmyk prayer-blessing that he learnt from the lama Sandzhi Ulanov. He also recites the prayer.

Collection: Kalmyk Cultural Heritage Project (ASTROLOGY, LITURGY AND PRACTICE)

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Wed 18 Jul 2018

Boris Dochkaev, Baazr Dara - A Kalmyk Prayer


In this video Boris talks about how he learnt about a Kalmyk prayer called Baazr Dara and then recites it.

Collection: Kalmyk Cultural Heritage Project (ASTROLOGY, LITURGY AND PRACTICE)

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Wed 18 Jul 2018

Bosya Ochirova, Omens and Astrology


In this interview Bosya talks about which animals are auspicious to see or keep (livestock, the crane) and which are not (the fox, the ferret, and a bird which makes a strange...

Collection: Kalmyk Cultural Heritage Project (ASTROLOGY, LITURGY AND PRACTICE)

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Tue 28 Apr 2015

Danara Ungarlinova, A Praise to the Goddess White Tara


In this video Danara reads a Kalmyk prayer praising the goddess White Tara.

Collection: Kalmyk Cultural Heritage Project (ASTROLOGY, LITURGY AND PRACTICE)

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Sun 16 Jun 2019

Danara Ungarlinova, Baazr Dara, a Prayer


Danara says that the prayer of Baazr Dara is recited to bring wealth and well-being. Before reciting it, she utters a well-wish so that the prayers bring benefit to all living...

Collection: Kalmyk Cultural Heritage Project (ASTROLOGY, LITURGY AND PRACTICE)

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Tue 11 Jun 2019

Danara Ungarlinova, The Mantra of Buddha Maitreya


Danara says that the era of Buddha Shakyamuni will be followed by that of Buddha Maitreya who will come to this world to spread a new doctrine. After reciting the mantra dedicated...

Collection: Kalmyk Cultural Heritage Project (ASTROLOGY, LITURGY AND PRACTICE)

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Tue 11 Jun 2019

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