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Kalmyk Cultural Heritage Project (DAILY ACTIVITIES)

Kalmyk Cultural Heritage Project (DAILY ACTIVITIES)'s image
Created: 2014-09-16 17:51
Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology
Description: A day in a traditional Kalmyk family begins with the opening of the curtains to let light in, cooking breakfast, and attending to the family altar. It is usually the young bride's duty to wake up first, cook, look after the household, put offerings on the altar, and go to bed last. During the day every member of the family is assigned activities based on gender, age, and hierarchy. Men are supposed to be bread-winners, undertake physically demanding chores, and represent the family, whereas women and girls are expected to do domestic work. Before setting off on a long journey, Kalmyks visit their close relatives, or invite them home to perform a ritual called khaalg yoryallgn in order to secure a successful and safe journey. It is also forbidden to take out rubbish so as not to pollute the journey. Guests are treated with a cup of tea or tobacco and are expected to be seen off outside the flat or house. At dusk it is forbidden for women to visit other people's homes or even go out. Other activities that are discouraged in the evening are taking certain types of products, including milk, yoghurt, cheese, salt, and matches out of the house.

On this page, you can watch videos and listen to stories about daily activities in Kalmyk families, both traditional and modern.

Media items

This collection contains 86 media items.

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Media items

Alla Saldusova, About Poetry and Kalmyk Language


Alla talks briefly about how she discovered for herself Kalmyk poetry and culture through Buddhism.

Collection: Kalmyk Cultural Heritage Project (DAILY ACTIVITIES)

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Sun 28 Oct 2018

Anatoliy Dzhavinov, About Old Kalmyk Words


Anatoliy bemoans that in Kalmykia journalists use simple, colloquial Kalmyk language in their writings and that people speak their native tongue wrongly. For example, the...

Collection: Kalmyk Cultural Heritage Project (DAILY ACTIVITIES)

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Tue 21 Aug 2018

Anna Antonova, Worship of the Home and Altar


Anna teaches her children and grandchildren to always remember, visit, and care for their paternal house where they were born and brought up. It is a custom in her family to go to...

Collection: Kalmyk Cultural Heritage Project (DAILY ACTIVITIES)

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Mon 18 May 2015

Anna Azvanova, About Traditional Upbringing


As the saying goes, ‘I rich man is in his pocket, a poor man is in his soul’. In the olden days, people had many relatives. All relatives lived next to each other and helped each...

Collection: Kalmyk Cultural Heritage Project (DAILY ACTIVITIES)

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Thu 19 Jul 2018

Baira Goryaeva, About Traditional Upbringing and Folklore


Baira talks about traditional upbringing, prohibitions, songs and well-wishes.

Collection: Kalmyk Cultural Heritage Project (DAILY ACTIVITIES)

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Wed 19 Sep 2018

Bembya Mitruev, About a Rupture Between Generations


In Kalmykia, a link between generations was severed for a number of reasons, including Stalinist exile . Because of this, we do not have much information about what was going on...

Collection: Kalmyk Cultural Heritage Project (DAILY ACTIVITIES)

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Sun 28 Apr 2019

Bulgun Lapsina, About Relations Between Kalmyks and Caucasians


Bulgun says that Tersk Kalmyks spoke the languages of their Caucasian neighbours. She also recounts a story of a Kalmyk girl who was abducted by Chechens.

Collection: Kalmyk Cultural Heritage Project (DAILY ACTIVITIES)

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Tue 11 Sep 2018

Bulgun Lapsina, About Terms of Kinship and Upbringing of Girls


We call father dyaadya and mother baava. Even my uncle's wife called our father dyaadya. We called our maternal uncles aak. The eldest maternal uncle is ik aak (elder aak) and...

Collection: Kalmyk Cultural Heritage Project (DAILY ACTIVITIES)

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Wed 19 Sep 2018

Bulgun Lapsina, About the Language of the Tersk Kalmyks


Bulgun talks about some interjections, words and pronunciations peculiar to the dialect of the Tersk Kalmyks.

Collection: Kalmyk Cultural Heritage Project (DAILY ACTIVITIES)

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Tue 11 Sep 2018

Bulgun Mankirova, Sanal Badmaev, A Kalmyk Language Club in Moscow


The Club of the Kalmyk Language (Khal’mg kelnya klub) was founded in Moscow in 2013. In the first year the number of attendees, including children and grown-ups, was around 40....

Collection: Kalmyk Cultural Heritage Project (DAILY ACTIVITIES)

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Thu 17 Aug 2017

Dmitriy Mandzhiev, Traditional Upbringing of Boys


Dmitriy reminisces about his grandparents and recounts what his grandmother told him about how a Kalmyk man should be.

Collection: Kalmyk Cultural Heritage Project (DAILY ACTIVITIES)

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Sun 28 Oct 2018

Dordzhi Barkhaev, About Traditional Education


Dordzhi says that in the past boys and girls were brought up differently: In the past the Kalmyks used a vertical script. But when I started school, we already used the Latin...

Collection: Kalmyk Cultural Heritage Project (DAILY ACTIVITIES)

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Sat 4 May 2019

Dordzhi Nandyshev, About Stealing Among Kalmyks


Dordzhi says the following: In the past Kalmyks used to send their maternal uncles to the land of the Coccacks. Such uncles returned with a bull and distributed its meat among the...

Collection: Kalmyk Cultural Heritage Project (DAILY ACTIVITIES)

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Sat 4 May 2019

Dordzhi Nandyshev, About the Kalmyk Language


Dordzhi says that Kalmyk is very rich language which has both spoken and written forms, as well as polite expressions.

Collection: Kalmyk Cultural Heritage Project (DAILY ACTIVITIES)

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Sat 4 May 2019

Dordzhi Nandyshev, Beliefs Connected with the Whirlwind


Dordzhi says that Kalmyks believe each whirlwind to have an old evil spirit (shulm) sitting in the middle of it. There is a custom to spit three times and through a sharp object...

Collection: Kalmyk Cultural Heritage Project (DAILY ACTIVITIES)

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Sat 4 May 2019

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