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Cambridge-Africa Programme

Cambridge-Africa Programme's image
Created: 2014-06-04 14:19
Institution: Department of Pathology
Description: This media collection is related to the Cambridge-Africa Programme and it's initiatives which include:

* CAPREx (Cambridge-Africa Partnership for Research Excellence)
* THRiVE (Training Health Researchers into Vocational Excellence in East Africa)
* MUII (Makerere University/UVRI Infection and Immunity Research Training Programme)
* WT-CCGHR (Wellcome Trust-Cambridge Centre for Global Health Research)
* Alborada Research Fund

Further details: http://www.cambridge-africa.cam.ac.uk/

Media items

This collection contains 3 media items.


Media items

Therapeutic Hypothermia, from bench to bedside and beyond


Therapeutic Hypothermia, from bench to bedside and beyond
Topun Austin and Sue Broster, Consultant Neonatologists, Rosie Maternity Hospital, Cambridge

Collection: Cambridge-Africa Programme

Institution: Department of Pathology

Created: Wed 21 Nov 2018

Visiting Fellows Research Showcase Event


This event brought together CAPREx and THRiVE visiting fellows from African universities belonging to the Cambridge-Africa Programme. Each presented their research project to a...

Collection: Cambridge-Africa Programme

Institution: Department of Pathology

Created: Fri 20 Jun 2014

Visiting Fellows Research Showcase Event


This event brought together CAPREx fellows from universities in Uganda and Ghana. Each presented their research project to a university-wide audience at Hughes Hall, Cambridge on...

Collection: Cambridge-Africa Programme

Institution: Department of Pathology

Created: Thu 5 Mar 2015