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Rev Dr Bob Evans - "How to survive a Viking invasion"

Duration: 58 mins 57 secs
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Rev Dr Bob Evans - "How to survive a Viking invasion"'s image
Description: Lecture given by Rev Dr Bob Evans (Chaplain) on 20 January 2021, with the title "How to survive a Viking invasion: 10 tips from continental Europe in the ninth century'
Created: 2021-01-21 14:50
Collection: Christ's College Alumni Webinars
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Catherine Twilley
Language: eng (English)
Abstract: During the ninth century, Scandinavian warbands launched devastating raids along the coasts and waterways of western Europe, seizing plunder and power, and earning themselves a reputation for adventure and violence that lasts to this day. Drawing from his research on continental Europe in this period, Bob Evans will share 10 ways that their potential victims - a somewhat stressed array of rulers, soldiers, theologians, and peasants - dealt with these invaders and attempted to sustain their societies in the face of catastrophe.

Bob is the Chaplain and Director of Studies in Theology at Christ’s. His research focuses on ideas about history in western Europe in the early middle ages, and an example of his work was awarded the President’s Prize for Early Career Research by the Ecclesiastical History Society.

He also teaches for the Faculties of Divinity and History and the Cambridge Theological Federation.
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