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'Copyright on E-Commerce Platforms: An Insight Preview of Chinese New Law' - Hong Xue: CIPIL Seminar

Duration: 33 mins 23 secs
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Description: Professor Dr Hong Xue of the Beijing Normal University, spoke on the topic of "Copyright on E-Commerce Platforms: An Insight Preview of Chinese New Law" at a seminar on 18 January 2019.

Chinese E-Commerce Law, effective from 1 January 2019, impacts all the stakeholders in the business. This comprehensive Law revamps the copyright system applicable to e-commerce platforms by redefining their roles, responsibility and liability. E-commerce platforms are one of the powerful infrastructures that enable Chinese global business development. The Law’s extra-territoriality may not be overlooked. How would this new system affect the interests of the parties involved? Would it facilitate a balanced copyright system through multi-stakeholder interaction? Is the platform governance relevant to the copyright liability and law enforcement? The answers are in the brain.

For more information see the CIPIL website at http://www.cipil.law.cam.ac.uk
Created: 2019-01-21 12:22
Collection: CIPIL Intellectual Property Seminar Series
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Mr D.J. Bates
Language: eng (English)
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