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The inflamed mind: a radical new approach to depression

Duration: 1 hour 8 mins
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The inflamed mind: a radical new approach to depression's image
Description: Join Professor Ed Bullmore as he reveals breakthrough new science on the link between depression and inflammation of the body and brain.
Created: 2018-10-25 13:45
Collection: Alumni Festival 2018
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Isabel Ronaldson
Language: eng (English)
Abstract: Worldwide, depression will be the single biggest cause of disability in the next 20 years. But treatment for it has not changed much in the last three decades. Join Professor Ed Bullmore as he talks about his new book, The Inflamed Mind: A radical new approach to depression, and reveals breakthrough new science on the link between depression and inflammation of the body and brain. He explains how and why we now know that mental disorders can have their root cause in the immune system, and outlines a future revolution in which treatments could be specifically targeted to break the vicious cycle of stress, inflammation and depression.
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