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Extraordinary possibilities for concrete structures

Duration: 1 hour 6 mins
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Extraordinary possibilities for concrete structures's image
Description: Explore how the use of flexible moulds might change our approach to using concrete, the second most used substance on earth after water, with Dr John Orr.
Created: 2018-10-25 12:28
Collection: Alumni Festival 2018
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Isabel Ronaldson
Language: eng (English)
Abstract: Why do we always take wet concrete and cast it into rectangular moulds? Why do we not remember that wet concrete is mouldable into any shape we like?

This presentation will explore how the use of flexible moulds might change our approach to this material, which is the second most used substance on earth after water. We will explore how forming architecturally interesting and structurally efficient geometries could cut concrete consumption in buildings by 30%, a crucial step as cement manufacture alone is responsible for 7% of global carbon dioxide emissions.
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