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Ideas of nudge: using behavioural insights to influence people

1 hour 4 mins,  118.46 MB,  MP3  44100 Hz,  252.7 kbits/sec
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Ideas of nudge: using behavioural insights to influence people's image
Description: Dr Vincent Mak, from Cambridge Judge Business School, introduces nudge, the art and science of influencing behaviour through subtle changes in the environment.
Created: 2018-10-25 11:59
Collection: Alumni Festival 2018
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Isabel Ronaldson
Language: eng (English)
Abstract: Nudge is the art and science of influencing people's behaviour through subtle changes in the environment. Vincent Mak, a decision sciences researcher at Cambridge Judge Business School, will give you a brief introduction to nudge, followed by recent research findings that showcase its possibilities. Examples include how to make people competitive without taking part in a competition, and whether museums should ask for donations at the entrance or the exit.
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