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Beats Matter: Educational, Therapeutic and Cross-Cultural Applications of Hip Hop Beat Making and Culture

Duration: 1 hour 44 mins
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Description: Hip Hop is now the most listened to genre of music in the world, yet it is not widely implemented for educational, therapeutic or cross-cultural uses despite incredible potential and promise. While the uses of rapping have been examined and used somewhat, the applications of beat making and DJ'ing have not, despite it's inherent multiple literacies/intelligences and applications. Dr Gann will present on how and why Hip Hop beat making and culture can be used in a culturally responsive/sustaining way as and educational, therapeutic/wellness and cross cultural intervention as illustrated by the work of his non-profit organization, Today's Future Sound.

This includes an exploration of his Therapeutic Beat Making (TBM) model, which also addresses complex and developmental trauma, and an introduction to understanding the difference between Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Complex/Developmental Trauma. Additionally, strategies to integrate Hip Hop beat making and culture into classrooms to increase cultural responsiveness and student engagement and deliver core content including STEM/STEAM content in non-traditional and innovative Project-Based Learning ways. Participants will learn basic history of Hip Hop as well as an introduction to beat making/music production with a live demo and audience participation to make an instrumental composition, or "beat", on the spot and to perform live.

A child and adolescent clinical psychologist by training, Dr Elliot Gann is a long-time beat maker and Executive Director of Today's Future Sound (TFS). Dr Gann has been working with TFS in Bay Area schools and community settings, and across the globe using Hip Hop beat making and culture as a mental health, educational, social justice and cross-cultural intervention. He has worked with more than 40,000 youth in the past six years through TFS and is currently developing the Therapeutic Beat Making (TBM) model.
Created: 2018-03-23 14:05
Collection: Arts & Creativities Research Group
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Faculty of Education
Language: eng (English)
Keywords: beats matter; hip hop; educational; therapeutic; cross-cultural applications; Arts & Creativities research group;
Person:  Dr Elliot Gann
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MPEG-4 Video 1280x720    1.92 Mbits/sec 1.46 GB View
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MP3 44100 Hz 251.06 kbits/sec 191.24 MB Listen
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