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Tech States: Episode 1 – Russell Davies

Duration: 28 mins 5 secs
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Tech States: Episode 1 – Russell Davies's image
Description: Tech States is an interview series from the Cambridge Institute for Public Policy featuring leading digital policymakers and public policy professionals.
Created: 2018-03-14 09:55
Collection: Outreach
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Cambridge Institute for Public Policy
Language: eng (English)
Keywords: public policy; technology; digital; government;
Abstract: "If you make the machine work incredibly effectively, what are the checks and balances to stop people abusing that?"

Russell Davies is former Director of Strategy for the UK Government Digital Service (GDS), which is widely considered a global pioneer in digital government. In this episode, Russell discusses the founding days of GDS, the challenges to public sector technology reform, institutional memory-building, and the future of digital government in cities and states across the world.

Tech States sets out to explore the complex, exciting and at times concerning relationship between government, politics, and digital and new technologies.

Interviewed by Dr. Tanya Filer.
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