Mercy in the City

Duration: 1 hour 17 mins
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Description: VHI Lecture delivered by Manuel Castells and Philip Sheldrake on 8 June 2016, Faculty of Divinity.
The VHI 2015-16 series of lectures and events seeks to explore the theme of mercy from the perspective of many disciplines, drawing out its possibilities, permutations, and problems. For more details visit
Created: 2016-07-18 10:36
Collection: Von Hugel Institute
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Von Hügel Institute
Language: eng (English)
Keywords: mercy; urbanisation; globalisation; theology; architecture;
Abstract: Most biblical, theological and philosophical understandings of mercy were conceived in very different contexts to our own, globalised and urbanised world. Manuel Castells will diagnose contemporary urbanization, highlighting the problems for the practice and flourishing of mercy and altruism in contemporary mega cities, while Philip Sheldrake will respond with a prognosis of how practices of mercy can be encouraged and flourish in the urban environment.

Manuel Castells is a sociologist widely known for his research on the information society, communication and globalization. He has published 26 books, including the trilogy The Information Age: Economy, Society, and Culture (Blackwell, 1996-2004), translated in 21 languages, and Communication Power (OUP, 2009).

Philip Sheldrake is a theologian and religious historian with particular expertise in the area of spirituality. He has also been involved in urban studies and with urban professionals. His recent books include A Spiritual City: Theology, Spirituality, and the Urban (Wiley-Blackwell, 2014).
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