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Professor Ben Allanach: The Dark Matter Mystery and the Large Hadron Collider

Duration: 57 mins 12 secs
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Description: The existence of dark matter solves some mysteries in astronomical observations, and fits in with the measurements of the afterglow of the big bang. Otherwise, it is hypothetical stuff for which there is currently no direct evidence. In this talk, we shall go on a journey to the unimaginably huge and the incredibly tiny, from back to a blink in an eye after the big bang to the present day. Along the way, I shall describe one of the main reasons that we believe in dark matter, and describe how the Large Hadron Collider might feasibly produce enough of it to study. We shall also visit the discovery of the Higgs boson, and explore why it is important.
Created: 2013-11-12 10:11
Collection: Science Society
Wolfson College Science Society
Publisher: Wolfson College, Cambridge
Copyright: Professor Ben Allanach
Language: eng (English)
Person:  Professor Ben Allanach
Available Formats
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MP3 44100 Hz 249.72 kbits/sec 104.62 MB Listen
MP3 44100 Hz 124.71 kbits/sec 52.31 MB Listen
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