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Clive Sherlock - What is emotion and how does it affect the body and mind? 
Western Psychology meets Buddhist insight

Duration: 1 hour 34 mins
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Clive Sherlock - What is emotion and how does it affect the body and mind? 
Western Psychology meets Buddhist insight's image
Description: How our reactions to emotion cause depression, anxiety, anger, stress, rage and other psychological problems and what can be done about it.
Created: 2013-11-11 21:38
Collection: Clare Hall Colloquium
Publisher: Clare Hall
Copyright: Clare Hall
Language: eng (English)
Keywords: ASH Colloquium; emotions; East-West; depression; psychology;
Author:  Clive Sherlock
Abstract: In this talk I shall try to answer the question, What is emotion? Emotion theorists struggle to understand and make sense of emotion. Some see emotion as the smoke and deduce the fire: there must be something, but they cannot make out what the fire is. It used to be thought of as an evil presence that possessed individuals. Now, emotion theorists think of the precursor to emotion as “mechanisms”, as states of “action readiness”, as “basic” or “universal” emotion and some suggest “ur-emotion”. But the question remains, what is emotion? In answering this question I shall describe how our reactions to emotion cause depression, anxiety, anger, stress, rage and other psychological problems and what can be done about it.
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