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Making the Links: from theory to research design and back again.

Duration: 55 mins 38 secs
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Description: The video is a film of the lecture given by Professor Madeleine Arnot for the M.Phil, M.Ed, Ph.D and Ed.D courses on educational research. It offers students a chance to think about some recent debates about the role of theory in research, and the ways in which a theoretically informed study can be designed. The examples given derive from actual research projects.
Created: 2023-10-03 14:39
Collection: Keynote Lecture
Recent media from the Faculty of Education
RMS Keynote Lectures
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Madeleine Arnot
Language: eng (English)
Keywords: Theory; Critical/creative research; Conceptual framework; Research design; Language of description;
Person:  Sharlene Swartz
Person:  Arathi Sriprakesh
Person:  Chris Mann
Person:  Diane Reay
Person:  Gina Oduro
Abstract: This lecture explores the relationship between theory and research design. It addresses the challenge of developing theoretically informed research required by academic scholarship - moving from what Bernstein called the’ internal language of description’ to the ‘external language of description’ without which research is too specifically descriptive and contextual, without the possibility of traveling to other sites, social groups or situations. The lecture illustrates the diversity
of thinking about where and how theory should relate to research design, demonstrating how to turn abstract theoretical questions into researchable concepts, exemplifying how different research designs link to theory, and to provide opportunities for participants to draw a design frame that might link to or contribute to theoretical concerns.
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