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Classics in the English Curriculum: Aesop's fables

Classics in the English Curriculum: Aesop's fables's image
Created: 2014-12-30 11:44
Institution: Faculty of Education
Description: Retellings of Aesop's Fables (see www.classictales.co.uk for transcripts, further information and teaching resources to accompany these recordings). Aesop was a slave in ancient Greece who earned his freedom by telling fables. In the education of ancient Greeks and Romans, fables were known as 'progymnasmata' - exercises that trained students in writing and public speaking. They learnt the fables, expanded on them and invented their own to use in speeches as persuasive examples.

Media items

This collection contains 21 media items.

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Media items



A retelling of Aesop's Fable

Collection: Classics in the English Curriculum: Aesop's fables

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Tue 27 Jan 2015

Fields of Gold


A retelling of Aesop's Fable

Collection: Classics in the English Curriculum: Aesop's fables

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Mon 26 Jan 2015



Collection: Classics in the English Curriculum: Aesop's fables

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Tue 27 Jan 2015

Mother Monkey


A retelling of Aesop's Fable

Collection: Classics in the English Curriculum: Aesop's fables

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Mon 26 Jan 2015

Of Mice and Cats


A retelling of Aesop's Fable.

Collection: Classics in the English Curriculum: Aesop's fables

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Thu 29 Jan 2015

Table Manners


A retelling of Aesop's Fable

Collection: Classics in the English Curriculum: Aesop's fables

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Tue 27 Jan 2015

The Divided Body


A retelling of Aesop's Fable

Collection: Classics in the English Curriculum: Aesop's fables

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Mon 26 Jan 2015

The Donkey and the Wolf


A retelling of Aesop's Fable

Collection: Classics in the English Curriculum: Aesop's fables

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Mon 26 Jan 2015

The Farmer's Daughter


A retelling of Aesop's Fable

Collection: Classics in the English Curriculum: Aesop's fables

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Mon 26 Jan 2015

The Gnat


A retelling of Aesop's Fable.

Collection: Classics in the English Curriculum: Aesop's fables

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Mon 26 Jan 2015

The Lion's Share


A retelling of Aesop's Fable

Collection: Classics in the English Curriculum: Aesop's fables

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Tue 27 Jan 2015

The Old Man, the Boy and the Donkey


A retelling of Aesop's fable

Collection: Classics in the English Curriculum: Aesop's fables

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Mon 26 Jan 2015

The Slave and the Lion


A retelling of Aesop's fable

Collection: Classics in the English Curriculum: Aesop's fables

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Mon 26 Jan 2015

The Sun and the North Wind


A retelling of Aesop's Fable

Collection: Classics in the English Curriculum: Aesop's fables

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Mon 26 Jan 2015

The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse


A retelling of Aesop's Fable

Collection: Classics in the English Curriculum: Aesop's fables

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Tue 27 Jan 2015

The Vain Crow


Collection: Classics in the English Curriculum: Aesop's fables

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Mon 26 Jan 2015



A retelling of Aesop's Fable

Collection: Classics in the English Curriculum: Aesop's fables

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Tue 27 Jan 2015

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