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Sociology: Crisis and Social Change: towards alternative horizons conference

Sociology: Crisis and Social Change: towards alternative horizons conference's image
Created: 2014-10-31 12:46
Institution: Department of Sociology
Description: Crisis and Social Change: towards alternative horizons conference papers

Media items

This collection contains 18 media items.


Media items

Donatella della Porta_Eventful protests how social movements change relations_Part I


Crisis and Social Change: towards alternative horizons conference papers

Collection: Sociology: Crisis and Social Change: towards alternative horizons conference

Institution: Department of Sociology

Created: Tue 24 Feb 2015

Donatella della Porta_Part II


Crisis and Social Change: towards alternative horizons conference papers

Collection: Sociology: Crisis and Social Change: towards alternative horizons conference

Institution: Department of Sociology

Created: Tue 24 Feb 2015

Donatella della Porta_Part III


Crisis and Social Change: towards alternative horizons conference papers

Collection: Sociology: Crisis and Social Change: towards alternative horizons conference

Institution: Department of Sociology

Created: Tue 24 Feb 2015

Greg Philo_Wealth or wealthier distribution within the context of demands for regional autonomy_Part I


Greg Philo Wealth or wealthier distribution within the context of demands for regional autonomy Part I

Collection: Sociology: Crisis and Social Change: towards alternative horizons conference

Institution: Department of Sociology

Created: Fri 31 Oct 2014

Greg Philo_Wealth or wealthier distribution within the context of demands for regional autonomy_Part II


Greg Philo Wealth or wealthier distribution within the context of demands for regional autonomy Part II

Collection: Sociology: Crisis and Social Change: towards alternative horizons conference

Institution: Department of Sociology

Created: Fri 31 Oct 2014

Plenary panel 1 The Great Recession and Varieties of Social and Political Responses_Part I


Plenary panel 1 The Great Recession and Varieties of Social and Political Responses Part I

Collection: Sociology: Crisis and Social Change: towards alternative horizons conference

Institution: Department of Sociology

Created: Fri 31 Oct 2014

Plenary panel 1 The Great Recession and Varieties of Social and Political Responses_Part II


Plenary panel 1 The Great Recession and Varieties of Social and Political Responses Part II

Collection: Sociology: Crisis and Social Change: towards alternative horizons conference

Institution: Department of Sociology

Created: Fri 31 Oct 2014

Plenary panel 1 The Great Recession and Varieties of Social and Political Responses_Part III


Plenary panel 1 The Great Recession and Varieties of Social and Political Responses Part III

Collection: Sociology: Crisis and Social Change: towards alternative horizons conference

Institution: Department of Sociology

Created: Fri 31 Oct 2014

Plenary panel 1 The Great Recession and Varieties of Social and Political Responses_Part IV


Plenary panel 1 The Great Recession and Varieties of Social and Political Responses Part IV

Collection: Sociology: Crisis and Social Change: towards alternative horizons conference

Institution: Department of Sociology

Created: Fri 31 Oct 2014

Plenary panel 2 Mobilisation, Social Change and Revolution_Part I


Plenary panel 2 Mobilisation, Social Change and Revolution Part I

Collection: Sociology: Crisis and Social Change: towards alternative horizons conference

Institution: Department of Sociology

Created: Fri 31 Oct 2014

Plenary panel 2 Mobilisation, Social Change and Revolution_Part II


Plenary panel 2 Mobilisation, Social Change and Revolution Part II

Collection: Sociology: Crisis and Social Change: towards alternative horizons conference

Institution: Department of Sociology

Created: Fri 31 Oct 2014

Ted Benton_What on Earth should be done_Part I


Ted Benton_What on Earth should be done Part I

Collection: Sociology: Crisis and Social Change: towards alternative horizons conference

Institution: Department of Sociology

Created: Fri 31 Oct 2014

Ted Benton_What on Earth should be done_Part II


Ted Benton_What on Earth should be done Part II

Collection: Sociology: Crisis and Social Change: towards alternative horizons conference

Institution: Department of Sociology

Created: Fri 31 Oct 2014

Ted Benton_What on Earth should be done_Part III


Ted Benton_What on Earth should be done Part III

Collection: Sociology: Crisis and Social Change: towards alternative horizons conference

Institution: Department of Sociology

Created: Fri 31 Oct 2014