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Sir John Plumb National Portrait Gallery event

Created: 2011-12-21 11:33
Institution: Christ's College
Description: Speeches from a fundraising event at the National Portrait Gallery on 31 October 2011 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Sir John Plumb

Media items

This collection contains 3 media items.


Media items

Speech by Professor Simon Schama


A speech by Professor Simon Schama

Collection: Sir John Plumb National Portrait Gallery event

Institution: Christ's College

Created: Wed 21 Dec 2011

Speech by the Master, Professor Frank Kelly


A speech by the Master, Professor Frank Kelly

Collection: Sir John Plumb National Portrait Gallery event

Institution: Christ's College

Created: Wed 21 Dec 2011

Welcome by Professor Sir David Cannadine


A welcome speech by Professor Sir David Cannadine

Collection: Sir John Plumb National Portrait Gallery event

Institution: Christ's College

Created: Wed 21 Dec 2011