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GMS4 - Making adjustments

10 mins 11 secs,  35.93 MB,  iPod Video  480x270,  24.0 fps,  44100 Hz,  481.67 kbits/sec
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Description: (No description)
Created: 2020-10-28 08:15
Collection: Grants
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Helen Parker
Language: eng (English)
Hi and welcome to Section 3 of

Grants 4. This is the part now where you're going to actually

start being able to do things.
We've covered the background and

covered some of the things that
you need to do, and from now on

you're going to actually be doing the adjustments that

you can do in Grants.

Before we get into that, we're
just going to have a quick

overview of where you make your changes. So if you see at the

top here, you've got your top block, which is all in AP.

Things like errors in AP:  invoices, errors on expense

forms, or an error on the iProc order. All of this will be

done in AP.

So you need to be very clear that if transaction took place or

originated from AP, it needs to be corrected in AP. Do not do or 

try and do a Grant's journal to correct an AP transaction.

You may or may not have an AP
responsibility. If you have, you

can obviously make the
corrections yourself if you

haven't got the responsibility,
you'll need to speak to your

accounts team in order to get

that sorted out. If your purchase order is no longer

required, in other words, you've
got a commitment there which for

some reason or another, isn't needed or is not going

to be fulfilled or it was not matched. The invoice has actually

being paid, but the commitment, the PO, was never matched to

that particular invoice. You need to cancel it, and in order

to do that you need to go back to iProc. And again, it depends on

whether you've got
responsibility or not as to who

actually does the correction,
but as grants administrator, you

do need to notify the

appropriate party to actually get that resolved. Then the

bottom part of the screen is
obviously what we're going to be

dealing in Grants 4 - here, and we're going to use two types of

functionality to correct or to make these adjustments where you can

either use Tools Transfer if it's a case of your salary

needing to be put into the right
project, or if your transaction

was allocated to an incorrect project, you can use the Tools

Transfer functionality. And then the last ones are where you

actually going to be entering a

journal yourself, reversing journals and doing that type of

transaction. So we're going to go there now and I'm just going

to go through to the [right place]


OK, I'm going to, I need to stop sharing that screen and

then I need to share the next
screen with you.

OK, so I've logged into CUFS, and you should have a Grants

Administrator functionality. [Actually] you may or may not

have Grant Administrator - you might only have a Grants

Investigator. If that's the case, then you must make sure

that you are named on the
project that you need to be

working on, otherwise you won't
be able to see any information.

As a Grant Administrator, you can see any of the projects or

the awards that belong to your

Department. So what the two
functions that we're going to be

working with over the next few
sessions that you're going to be

doing is under Expenditures, either Enter Actuals or

Expenditure Enquiry. So I'm going to just go into the

Expenditure Enquiry now.

And your Java should start
running if you got it set

up. If you need to check it - go to our finance

services - University Finance (UFS) and

have a look at what the latest Java requirements are.

You do need to be connected
through your VPN when

you're using CUFS.

OK, so this is what your
expenditure inquiry screen

looks like and the other thing
that you need for the rest of

this course is you. You need
to have a project number and

an the associated award
number. Most of the time

you'll be working with the
project number, but you

generally do need to know what
the would number as well. And

very importantly you need to
know which task or whatever it

is you're doing, needs to be
allocated to.

So I'm assuming that I want
to have a look at. I'm using

plant Sciences.

And I'm going to go.

Sorry, got mice.

Slash game the wrong way.

Now I did a very um, sweeping
view of the expenditure inquiry,

and I literally just put in the
project number and obviously

goes back to the very beginning
of the project. Now, when you're

working as a grant
administrator, I should imagine

that you're going to be doing
this on a monthly basis, so you

probably would not want to go
right back to the beginning of

the project. So two ways, a
quick way of getting your most.

Recent transactions on the top
is if you double click next to

the item date and now you can
see here that is actually put

August 2020 at the top. Here I
am using the play version. Yeah,

I'm using the play version of
cuffs so my information is not

up to date. August is the latest
awaiting the players refresh.

Remember, you can expand
your screen your.

Yeah screen here, so um, so you
can get a better view of it. And

don't forget you've got this
totals function here. So if you

do want to, it doesn't
necessarily feel that it doesn't

give you that automatically. You
need to actually press the

totals button in order to see
what the total of that is.

So I'm not going to go into the
expenditure inquiry in a big way

here. I just wanted this is what
you actually going to, but it

looks like and what you're going
to be working with. What I did

want to draw your attention to
is if transaction has failed

funds, checking it would be.
There would be a blank here as

in the case of this top line
here and if you page across here

you'll see your cost distributed
box is unchecked. OK, now

there's two reasons for that

one. Is that it simply hasn't
gone through the process.

Remember, in the previous one of
the previous videos, I actually

said to you that the grants
module is updated at midday and

overnight, so if you've just
done a Journal and you go and

check it here, it's going to be.
It's going to look like this.

You're not going to have any
value in here, and you're not

going to have your cost
distributed box ticked once that

process runs. So depending on
when you enter the Journal.

If you entered it this morning,
then you would expect to be

correct by the afternoon. If you
entered it in the afternoon, you

would check it the next day.

If it remains like with no value
here and with the cross

distributed box unchecked, it
means it's failed funds

checking. So then you need to go
and have a look at your

exception report. It should be
on the exception report. Just go

back and check that and find out
what the reason is and then

obviously try and sort it out.

OK, so that is just seeing what

it looks like. Now when you
come onto expenditure.

Inquiry screen I would
automatically try and narrow

down what you want, so an easy
way to do that is to put in a

task number, an even probably
more ease or better would be to

actually put in a date so you
limit what it is you're looking

at. You can take it from.

January 2020, so at least you
only see 2020 transactions, so

that would be another way of of
having a look at things. Be

careful with this exclude net
zero items. It's by default.

It's ticked because most of the
time people don't want to see

the zeros, but when you start
working with the next video now

when you're going to be doing
tools transfer, you're going to

need to be able to see that you
actually your inzon your outs,

so you will.

Can take your just by clicking
on it you untick, you exclude

Netgear items. Well now I'm just
going to leave it take.

You can also obviously choose
your expense category, so if

you've been told to go and sort
out your travel and subsistence,

or you're starving or whatever
it is you're trying to do, you

can actually type that into your
expenditure category or your

expenditure type, depending on
which one you want to use and

use that to narrow your
selection. At this point of

time, I've just narrowed it by
date, so and I've also noted by

the task, so if I go into fine
now I'm only going to find my

2020. Um transactions in here.


So the last thing that I'm
going to show you in this

video is that you when you
want to have a look at your

suspense account so suspense
accounts are always in the

format. Let me just clear the

They always in the format of

your Department. All code and
then 000. OK so I'm in Plant

Sciences. An AG is the research
cost center or.

That we use. So whichever
Department in your going to

replace the PD with that
appropriate Department code and

then that should be your
suspense account. There are a

few exceptions to this and
you'll have to check with your

line manager if you're in one of
those exceptions again.

We don't want to see the
suspense account going back for

all time, so. Good idea if you
actually narrow what you're

looking at here.

OK, I'm

and again if you want to you can
sort your stuff. That's already

that was already sorted that way
so you can see here that some of

the stuff has not has failed
funds check and this is the type

of information you'll that you
would have to work with and

always with your suspense
accounts always total it.

And that your suspense account
should always be 0, because by

their very nature they are being
held in suspense and they you

obviously need to clear
everything out of them. OK, so

this is obviously an incident.
This is play and things of where

people have been playing in here
so it isn't actually as you

would expect it to be in normal

circumstances. You would
expect to find your suspense

account is 0, or else you're
actually clearing the current

months expenses.

So that is it.

Let me go back to.

Stop sharing screen and your
next video that you're going to

be watching is Wendy's going to
be doing an onto on tools

transfer? And then you've got an
exercise to do.

So bye for now.

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