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Media items

“Biostatistician behind bars: by design and on trial” By Professor Sheila M. Bird


First talk in new and unique seminar series - non-technical talks aiming to illustrate how statistics helps to find answers to a range of public health related questions. By...

Collection: Statistics Meets the Public's Health Seminar Series

Institution: MRC Biostatistics Unit

Created: Wed 17 Aug 2016

BSU Virtual Seminar: 'A Simulation-Free Approach To Assessing the Performance of the Continual Reassessment Method’


BSU virtual seminar by Professor Thomas Braun, School of Public Health, University of Michigan, USA

Collection: BSU Virtual Seminars 2020

Institution: MRC Biostatistics Unit

Created: Tue 23 Feb 2021

BSU Virtual Seminar: 'PROGRESS in sample size calculations for clinical prediction model research'


Speaker: Professor Richard Riley, Centre for Prognosis Research, School of Medicine, Keele University

Title: ‘PROGRESS in sample size calculations for clinical prediction model...

Collection: BSU Virtual Seminars 2020

Institution: MRC Biostatistics Unit

Created: Wed 9 Dec 2020

BSU Virtual Seminar: 'The DURATIONS design: a practical trial design to optimise treatment duration'


Speaker: Dr Matteo Quartagno, MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL

Title: ‘The DURATIONS design: a practical trial design to optimise treatment duration’

Collection: BSU Virtual Seminars 2020

Institution: MRC Biostatistics Unit

Created: Tue 15 Dec 2020

Can you Help?


Deprresion delta study recruitment

Collection: CCNR group

Institution: Dept of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology

Created: Fri 3 Aug 2018

Conversation with Professor Bill Cornish (Introduction)


In this video Professor Bill Cornish, Emeritus Herchel Smith Professor of Intellectual Property Law at the University of Cambridge (1990 - 2004), discusses his book 'The Jury'...

Collection: Cambridge Law Eminent Scholars Archive

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Fri 5 Jun 2015

How to find treatments during a pandemic


Clinical trials are the gold standard when finding out the potential of a novel treatment. A standard that should not be compromised during a pandemic. However, undertaking...

Collection: Cambridge Science Festival 2021

Institution: MRC Biostatistics Unit

Created: Fri 19 Mar 2021

LCIL Friday Lecture:'The Right to a Fair Trial in International Law: Shining a light on a critical human rights...


Lecture summary: The right to a fair trial is a right that enables the recognition and protection of many other human rights. Its violation can be devastating to an individual...

Collection: LCIL International Law Seminar Series

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Mon 26 Oct 2020

'The Defects of Jury Trials': John Spencer


In the light of the discharge of the jury in the trial of Vicky Pryce, questions have been asked about the value of the jury system. Professor John Spencer discusses the pitfalls...

Collection: Law In Focus

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Fri 22 Feb 2013

'The Defects of Jury Trials': John Spencer (audio)


In the light of the discharge of the jury in the trial of Vicky Pryce, questions have been asked about the value of the jury system. Professor John Spencer discusses the pitfalls...

Collection: Law In Focus

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Fri 22 Feb 2013

The importance of number: the future of quantitative methods in education research


Anna Vignoles' Inaugural Lecture, 9 May 2013

Collection: Inaugural Lectures

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Wed 22 May 2013

'The Penumbra of Thalidomide: The Litigation Culture and the Licensing of Pharmaceuticals': The Baron Ver Heyden de...


Baron Cornelius Ver Heyden de Lancey (1889-1984) was a wealthy and public-spirited Dutchman who at different times in his life was a dentist, doctor, surgeon, barrister and art...

Collection: Cambridge Law: Public Lectures from the Faculty of Law

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Wed 23 Nov 2011

'The Pitcairn Trials Saga - Justice in Britain’s Smallest Colony': Sir Ian Barker QC


On Wednesday 22nd November 2006 Sir Ian Barker, former Judge of the New Zealand High Court, and Emeritus Chancellor of the University of Auckland delivered a lecture entitled 'The...

Collection: Cambridge Law: Public Lectures from the Faculty of Law

Institution: Faculty of Law

Created: Wed 18 Jan 2012