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Media items

01a. Ritual - Lamas at death ritual


Lamas at death ritual. Thak, Kaski, Nepal, 1995.

Collection: The Thak Archive

Institution: Faculty of Human, Social and Political Science

Created: Sat 9 Jul 2016

01b. Ritual - Laymen play drums at death ritual


Laymen play drums at death ritual.Thak, Kaski, Nepal, 1995.

Collection: The Thak Archive

Institution: Faculty of Human, Social and Political Science

Created: Sat 9 Jul 2016

01c. Ritual - Shamans play drums at death ritual


Shamans play drums at death ritual. Thak, Kaski, Nepal, 1995.

Collection: The Thak Archive

Institution: Faculty of Human, Social and Political Science

Created: Sat 9 Jul 2016

01d. Ritual - Butter lamps at death ritual


Butter lamps at death ritual. Thak, Kaski, Nepal, 1995.

Collection: The Thak Archive

Institution: Faculty of Human, Social and Political Science

Created: Sat 9 Jul 2016

01e. Ritual - Offerings & possession at an annual village ritual


Offerings and possession at an annual village ritual. Thak, Kaski, Nepal 1995.

Collection: The Thak Archive

Institution: Faculty of Human, Social and Political Science

Created: Sat 9 Jul 2016

01f. Ritual - Two young girls go into trance as part of the gato ritual


Gurung girls perform the gato ritual in the Gurung village of Yangjakot, Kaski, Nepal. 1990.

Collection: The Thak Archive

Institution: Faculty of Human, Social and Political Science

Created: Sat 9 Jul 2016

12 Can we control the spiritual world?


An analysis of the functions and nature of rituals, symbols, taboos and other constraints on human beings, from an anthropological and historical viewpoint.

Collection: How the World Works: Letters to Lily

Institution: King's College

Created: Wed 2 Jan 2013

1a. Setting


This film begins by showing the locally famous Sgo dmar stupa in the village of Dgo dmar.

Collection: Wutu Collection

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Sun 17 Jan 2016

1b. The Shrine


This film begins by showing the position of the shrine on a hill above the village.

Collection: Wutu Collection

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Sun 17 Jan 2016

1c. Labtse


The labtse, or alter to the mountain deity, sits on the hill near the shrine, to the west.

Collection: Wutu Collection

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Sun 17 Jan 2016

1d. Shrine Interior


The main figure enshrined here is Ri lang.

Collection: Wutu Collection

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Wed 20 Jan 2016

1e. Undressing, Applying Ash


The wutu performers here apply ash to their exposed upper bodies (including face and hair) and lower legs.

Collection: Wutu Collection

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Wed 20 Jan 2016

1f. Painting the Wutu


Using a mixture of ink and liquor, the wutu are painted with designs of tigers, leopards and deities.

Collection: Wutu Collection

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Wed 20 Jan 2016

1g. More Wutu Preparations at the Shrine


Several of the wutu are fully prepared and pose for the camera and crowd (of mostly children). Meanwhile, painting of the remaining wutu continues in the shrine courtyard.

Collection: Wutu Collection

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Wed 20 Jan 2016

1h. Preparing Lhaba


The lhaba prepares inside the shrine.

Collection: Wutu Collection

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Wed 20 Jan 2016

1i. First Exit of Shrine


Accompanied by a frame-drum (beaten by the lhaba) and gong (beaten by the temple-keeper), the wutu exit the shrine briefly.

Collection: Wutu Collection

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Wed 20 Jan 2016

1j. Respecting Deities Inside the Shrine


Lead by the lhaba, the wutu performers enter the shrine.

Collection: Wutu Collection

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Wed 20 Jan 2016

1k. Exiting the Shrine and Running to the Village


The wutu performers exit the shrine for a second time, followed by the lhaba beating a frame-drum, and a young man who beats the gong.

Collection: Wutu Collection

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Thu 21 Jan 2016

1l. Wutu on the Roofs


The five youngest wutu performers climb up the compound walls of houses and travel from roof to roof throughout the tightly packed village. Villagers climb onto their roofs to...

Collection: Wutu Collection

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Thu 21 Jan 2016

1m. Wutu in House


Wutu stop in certain houses to eat meals of boiled mutton. They may not enter through the compound door; they must come over the walls and across the roofs.

Collection: Wutu Collection

Institution: Department of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Thu 21 Jan 2016

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