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Gates 10th anniversary podcast: multiculturalism, minorities, and human rights

1 hour 24 mins 17 secs,  359.31 MB,  RealAudio  44100 Hz,  582.05 kbits/sec
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Created: 2010-07-09 11:55
Collection: Gates Cambridge Scholarships
Gates 10th Anniversary
Publisher: Gates Cambridge Trust
Copyright: Gates Cambridge Trust
Language: eng (English)
Keywords: Gates 10th anniversary multiculturalism; minorities human rights;
Abstract: Global, national, and local communities confront political and moral dilemmas relating to the protection of minorities and human rights. Deciding which groups and which rights deserve protection connects to questions of multiculturalism: what are the boundaries of belonging to a community? When can community members dissent against their own leaders? Should host communities admit newcomers who resemble or differ from native residents, and under what conditions? This panel brings together experts who will address the social sciences’ contribution to understanding multiculturalism and minority rights in an increasingly interconnected world. The speakers are: Dr Andrea Baumeister - Senior Lecturer in Politics at the University of Stirling; Dr Joshua Castellino - Professor of Law & Head of Law Department at Middlesex University London, UK; and Dr Michael Garapich - Social Anthropologist, Centre for Research on Nationalism, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism at Roehampton University, London. The organiser & moderator is Jenn Piscopo - Gates alumna (MPhil Latin American Studies, 2003), PhD student at University of California, San Diego (election of women to the legislative and executive branches in Latin America) and incoming Co-Chair of the Gates Scholars' Alumni Association.
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