A brave new world

15 mins 20 secs,  14.05 MB,  MP3  44100 Hz,  125.07 kbits/sec
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Description: In today's fast moving technological world, successful companies will be those brave enough to invest in start-ups and create their own competitors. Taking the example of Kodak, who floundered in the face of emerging digital technologies, Dr Kamal Munir explains the importance of adaptation, but points out, that merely hooking new technologies into a business model to prolong the life of existing technologies is not enough: "Companies need to invest equity into start-ups, they need to create their own competitors, they need to get over their fear of cannibalising their existing products. Importantly, in today's climate of recession, this can be an inexpensive strategy and can give a company a new life line. Kodak, for example, should have really started up Facebook."
Created: 2010-06-15 16:44
Collection: Cambridge Judge Business School Discussions on Marketing & Strategy
Publisher: Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Copyright: Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Language: eng (English)
Producer:  Boni Sones OBE
Author:  Dr Kamal Munir
Available Formats
Format Quality Bitrate Size
MP3 * 44100 Hz 125.07 kbits/sec 14.05 MB Listen Download
MP3 22050 Hz 62.54 kbits/sec 7.02 MB Listen Download
MP3 16000 Hz 31.27 kbits/sec 3.51 MB Listen Download
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