LCIL Friday Lecture: 'Victimhood: Gender as Tool and Weapon' - Prof Vasuki Nesiah, NYU GALLATIN

38 mins 53 secs,  138.12 MB,  iPod Video  480x360,  29.97 fps,  44100 Hz,  484.98 kbits/sec
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LCIL Friday Lecture: 'Victimhood: Gender as Tool and Weapon' - Prof Vasuki Nesiah, NYU GALLATIN's image
Description: Lecture summary: This paper looks at the political purchase of International Conflict Feminism (ICF) in helping constitute the normative framework guiding and legitimizing laws and policies advanced under the rubric of Countering Violent Extremism (CVE). It attends to how these have intersected with the work of the international criminal court (ICC) in new modalities of lawfare that have taken place against the backdrop of Security Council action, including its military interventions in Muslim majority countries. These intertwined projects – ICF, CVE and International Criminal Law – can be situated in the dominant structures of global governance that have rendered their driving logics the thinkable default option, and their legitimacy the dominant common sense for diverse groups, from feminist lawyers to military strategists. This analysis comes together in reading the Al Hassan case at the ICC as the grain of sand through which we examine the universe at the crossroads of sharia panic, sex panic and security panic.

Vasuki Nesiah teaches human rights, legal and social theory at NYU Gallatin where she is also faculty director of the Gallatin Global Fellowship in Human Rights. She has published on the history and politics of human rights, humanitarianism, international criminal law, reparations, global feminisims, and decolonization. Nesiah was awarded the Jacob Javits Professorship (2022), Gallatin Distinguished Teacher Award in 2021 and the NYU Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Faculty Award in 2020. Her current book projects include International Conflict Feminism (forthcoming from University of Pennsylvania Press) and Reading the Ruins: Colonialism, Slavery, and International Law. A founding member of Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL), she is also co-editing TWAIL: A Handbook with Anthony Anghie, Bhupinder Chimni, Michael Fakhri, and Karin Mickelson (forthcoming from Elgar).
Created: 2024-02-13 11:40
Collection: Art, Architecture and International Law seminar series
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Vanessa Bystry
Language: eng (English)
Keywords: Gender; Human Rights; feminism;
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