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AUM2020 Global Workshop: Session 6: The world’s metropolitan regions: overview and case studies

1 hour 45 mins,  371.77 MB,  iPod Video  480x360,  25.0 fps,  44100 Hz,  483.41 kbits/sec
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AUM2020 Global Workshop: Session 6: The world’s metropolitan regions: overview and case studies 's image
Description: Session outline:
1. The global state of metropolis: An overview
Rafael H. Forero H (UN-Habitat)

2. Improving metropolitan management in Latin America: The cases of Colombia, Bolivia and El Salvador
Maria Tellez Soler (Policy, Legislation and Governance Section, UN Habitat)

3. Improving metropolitan management in Africa: The case of Cameroon
Prof. Nguendo Yongsi (tbc) / Frederic Happi (UN-Habitat)

Discussant: Remy Sietchiping (Chief of the Policy, Legislation and Governance Section, UN-Habitat)
Host: Dr Ying Jin (University of Cambridge)
Created: 2021-02-16 12:56
Collection: Martin Centre AUM2020: Modelling the New Urban World
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: The Martin Centre
Language: eng (English)
Keywords: AUM2020; Modelling the New Urban World; Online Global Workshop; Architecture; Martin Centre;
Abstract: Rising population and uncontrolled urban land consumption rates have been responsible for the rise of bigger and denser cities and metropolises. In 2020 there are 1934 metropolises with more than 300,000 inhabitants representing approximately 60% of the world’s urban population. At least 2.59 billion people live in metropolises in 2020 which is equivalent to one third of the global population. 34 metropolises have surpassed 10 million inhabitants; while 51 have a population of 5 to 10 million; 494 of 1 to 5 million; and 1355 of 300,000 to 1 million.

Metropolises of the 21st century are characterized for having strong interdependencies from economic, social, and environmental perspectives which need to be managed in an integrated way, based on functional territories and across both jurisdictional boundaries and the urban-rural continuum. UN-Habitat integrative approach for metropolitan management involves local, sub-national and national governments participation in metropolitan governance, metropolitan policies and legislation, metropolitan planning, and metropolitan finance and economics.

This session will showcase both the more recent numbers and figures on global and regional metropolitan trends and, some Latin American and African cases on how UN-Habitat has supported metropolitan management from the improvement of legal frameworks, planning instruments and governance systems at supra-municipal scales.
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iPod Video * 480x360    483.41 kbits/sec 371.77 MB View
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