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@2903cb Part 3: Documentary Podcast by Professor Catherine Barnard.

3 hours 52 mins,  425.30 MB,  MP3  44100 Hz,  250.29 kbits/sec
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Description: Part Three: Professor Barnard takes you through her podcast series epsodes 8-18, from September 2018 to November 2019.

The time codes for each of the ten episodes are:

0:00:00 - No 8: September 28th 2018 Why the UK now needs a Commission of Inquiry engaging all the talents across party on Brexit to end the ‘dialogue of the deaf’.
0:20:00 - No 9: October 12th 2018 Professor Catherine Barnard interviews Sir Ivan Rogers the former UK Ambassador to the EU #Brexit as a revolution
01:06:00 - No 10: November 17th 2018 Theresa May’s draft Withdrawal Agreement
01:26:00 - No 11: November 23rd 2018 The publication of the Political Declaration
01:42:00 - No 12: February 16th 2019 Does the UK need a Grand Coalition to deliver #Brexit?
02:05:00 - No 13: March 25th 2019 #Brexit Delayed Why a short extension to the date on which the UK is due to leave the EU and a series of indicative votes in Parliament may still not be enough to stop a no-deal Brexit.
02:31:00 - No 14: May 27th 2019 #Brexit & the EU Election Results
02:44:00 - No 15: June 27th 2019 #Brexit the Conservative leadership election and a new EU negotiating team
03:08:00 - No 16: September 6th 2019 #Brexit – “It takes two to tango!” Can Boris Johnson’s government pull off a new deal with the EU or will his “do or die” mantra lead to a no-deal Brexit at the end of October 2019?
03:25:00 - No 17: September 24th 2019 Today’s #SupremeCourtJudgement on the #Prorogation of Parliament ruling it “unlawful”.
03:40:00 - No 18: November 7th 2019 Why no-deal is still not off the table. A general Election and a new leaving date of 31st January 2020 but if a deal is not struck by the end of the year no-deal is still a possibility.
03:52:00 - End.
Created: 2019-11-21 11:52
Collection: @2903cb Documentary Podcast by Professor Catherine Barnard.
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Mr D.J. Bates
Language: eng (English)
Available Formats
Format Quality Bitrate Size
MP3 * 44100 Hz 250.29 kbits/sec 425.30 MB Listen Download
MP3 44100 Hz 62.3 kbits/sec 106.33 MB Listen Download
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