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From nano to macro: the latest molecular insights into the causes of Dementia - the greatest threat to modern healthcare

1 hour 3 mins,  115.46 MB,  MP3  44100 Hz,  250.23 kbits/sec
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From nano to macro: the latest molecular insights into the causes of Dementia - the greatest threat to modern healthcare's image
Description: Join Tuomas Knowles, Professor of Physical Chemistry and Biophysics, to hear how Cambridge is working to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying dementia, the greatest threat to modern healthcare, and how to counteract them.
Created: 2018-10-25 13:54
Collection: Alumni Festival 2018
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Isabel Ronaldson
Language: eng (English)
Abstract: The devastating effects of dementia are triggered at the nano-scale by misfolding, misbehaving and aggregating proteins. Tuomas Knowles and colleagues at Cambridge are developing new tools to be able to probe this process and are working to understand at a fundamental level the molecular mechanisms underlying dementia and to develop effective ways to counteract them.
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