Calming, Soothing Breathing

6 mins 29 secs,  11.88 MB,  MP3  44100 Hz,  250.16 kbits/sec
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About this item
Description: This breathing practice stimulates our calming, soothing system – the parasympathetic nervous system. The guiding directs the placing and holding of a bodily posture which physiologically communicates ‘all is well’ – one that is anchored, still, open and alert, and brings attention to the speed, rhythm and sensations of our breathing.
Created: 2018-08-28 12:48
Collection: Mindful Meditation Practices
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Sarah Parkin
Language: eng (English)
Abstract: It is important to remember that this practice isn’t expecting or asking us to feel calm or soothed - we are simply placing our body in a posture which physiologically communicates that we are not under threat and it is safe for our 'threat' system (sympathetic nervous system) to stand down, whilst simultaneously slowing down and focusing attention on our breathing .
As we go into the practice, or during the practice itself we might notice that we actually feel anxious, or agitated. If this is the case for you then it’s important that you don’t push or force yourself to continue, if it feels unwise. Rather as best you can bring the attitudes of kindliness and gentleness to whatever your immediate experience is to help guide you in making a wise choice as to how best to go forward.
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MP3 * 44100 Hz 250.16 kbits/sec 11.88 MB Listen Download
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