Calming Soothing Breathing Rhythm

6 mins 29 secs,  11.88 MB,  MP3  44100 Hz,  250.16 kbits/sec
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About this item
Description: A short guided breathing practice to stimulate our own physiological calming, soothing system - the parasympathetic nervous system.
Created: 2018-07-31 14:51
Collection: Mindful Meditation Practices
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Sarah Parkin
Language: eng (English)
Abstract: The intention of this practice is to stimulate our calming, soothing system – the parasympathetic nervous system. We do this through placing and holding throughout the practice a bodily posture which physiologically communicates ‘all is well’ – one that is anchored, still, open and alert, and by bringing our attention to the speed, rhythm and sensations of our breathing.

This guided practice talks through positioning the body into the correct posture and establishing the slow, calm breathing rhythm.

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MP3 * 44100 Hz 250.16 kbits/sec 11.88 MB Listen Download
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