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'Evidence-Based Policing Against Domestic Abuse': Clare Nettleton / Marika Dagenbrink / Geoffrey Barnes

56 mins 5 secs,  1.22 GB,  MPEG-4 Video  1280x720,  25.0 fps,  44100 Hz,  2.96 Mbits/sec
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'Evidence-Based Policing Against Domestic Abuse': Clare Nettleton / Marika Dagenbrink / Geoffrey Barnes's image
Description: The Institute of Criminology holds an annual international conference on Evidence Based Policing, Chaired by Professor Lawrence Sherman in association with the Society for Evidence Based Policing (SEBP).

The 11th conference was held at the Sidgwick site at the Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, on 9-11 July 2018.

This talk: 'Evidence-Based Policing Against Domestic Abuse'
Chair: Professor Heather Strang, Cambridge University
Clare Nettleton, Surrey Police: 'Domestic Abuse Victims’ and Perpetrators’ Views on Restorative Justice Conferences'
Marika Dagenbrink, Swedish Police: 'Patterns of Reported Domestic Abuse in Sweden: Little Repetition or Escalation'
Dr Geoffrey Barnes, Cambridge University and W. Australia Police: 'Implementing an Algorithmic Harm Forecasting Tool for Domestic Abuse'
Discussion: Professor Strang moderating
Created: 2018-07-24 14:01
Collection: Criminology: 11th Evidence Based Policing Conference
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: M. Skipper
Language: eng (English)
Abstract: Clare Nettleton, Surrey Police

Thesis title: Face-to-Face Restorative Justice Conferences for Intimate Partner Abuse: An Exploratory Study of Victim and Offender Views

Clare Nettleton is a Detective Sergeant with Surrey Police, currently working in the Violent & Sexual Offenders Team covering West Surrey. She has been a police officer for 10 years and a detective for seven of those, working in divisional CID and Public Protection. Her passion for investigating Domestic Abuse was ignited whilst working in the Safeguarding Investigation Unit, and she has secondary roles in force as a Domestic Abuse Mentor and Stalking SPOC. Her Bachelor’s degree was in Psychology, and she is now a Mental Health Advocate, offering support to colleagues suffering with mental ill-health. In her spare time, she enjoys RockFit and badminton and is also actively involved in the music for her church, alongside being a committed heavy metal fan.

Marika Dagenbrink, Swedish Police

Marika Dagenbrink (Cantab) is presently head of Governance, business strategy and performance management within the ICT Department in The Swedish Police. Marika started at the Swedish Police in 2010 and was them head of Strategic planning and Performance management at the Stockholm County Police Authority, up until the re-organisation of the Swedish Police in 2015. Marika has previously worked at the e.g. Ministry of Finance, several municipalities, Stockholm County Council and the Swedish Public Employment Service.Her educational background is primarily in criminology, political science, law and economics.

Dr Geoffrey Barnes, Western Australia Police

Dr Geoffrey Barnes is currently the Director of Criminology for the Western Australia Police, while also continuing to supervise students in the Police Executive Programme who are seeking their M.St. in Applied Criminology and Police Management at the University of Cambridge. He has both led and participated in multiple randomised controlled trials, and performs additional work on the actuarial forecasting of future criminal behaviour, the development of crime and anti-social behaviour over the life course, and the use of cost incentives to promote better outcomes for children in foster care. His research interests also include the use of restorative justice and cognitive behavioural therapy with criminal offenders, the effects of swift and certain sanctions on illegal behaviour, the connections between criminal justice involvement and mortality, and the employment of large data sets derived from official government systems.

He earned his Ph.D. in Criminology from the University of Maryland, and was elected a Fellow of the Academy of Experimental Criminology in 2011. Prior to joining the faculty at Cambridge, he had previous appointments at the University of Pennsylvania, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, University of Maryland, and Australian National University.
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