Mindful Movement

31 mins 52 secs,  58.31 MB,  MP3  44100 Hz,  249.84 kbits/sec
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About this item
Description: Mindful Movement Guided Pratice
Created: 2018-02-21 12:42
Collection: Mindful Meditation Practices
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Sarah Parkin
Language: eng (English)
Abstract: Mindful movement practice is about bringing present-moment, non-judgemental awareness to bodily movement.
It facilitates:
Bringing awareness into, rather than outside of our direct experiencing.
Bridging the gab between practice and daily life, helping integrate mindfulness into everyday experience.
Noticing patterns of mind as they may arise when the 'edge' or limit of a movement is reached.
Using the breath to explore any particular areas of intensity as they may arise.
Working gently and curiously with physical limits, thereby supporting a similar way of working with psychological 'edges' too.

It is important in any mindful movement practice that the limits of the body are respected and that all movements and stretching are done in relation with this and held only for as long as feels right.
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MP3 * 44100 Hz 249.84 kbits/sec 58.31 MB Listen Download
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