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Mercy and Migration: Panel Discussion

1 hour 30 mins,  166.16 MB,  MP3  44100 Hz,  252.07 kbits/sec
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Description: VHI Panel Discussion on Mercy and Migration, 02 June 2016, St Edmunds College. Speakers: Martina Liebsch (Caritas Internationalis), Rory Fox (EdLumino), Sara Silvestri (Cambridge University and City University London), and Elif Cetin (Cambridge University).
The VHI 2015-16 series of lectures and events seeks to explore the theme of mercy from the perspective of many disciplines, drawing out its possibilities, permutations, and problems. For more details visit http://www.vhi.st-edmunds.cam.ac.uk/events/lecture-series
Created: 2016-06-06 13:35
Collection: Von Hugel Institute
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Von Hügel Institute
Language: eng (English)
Keywords: Mercy; Migration; Refugee; International Politics; Education;
Abstract: With Europe and the world in the grip of a major migration crisis, sorely testing all political and practical resources, we ask: what does mercy look like in this context? How can mercy be practised in the context of migration? What are the obstacles to its practice? How can it be encouraged? What are its limits? How can mercy and justice relate in migration?
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MP3 * 44100 Hz 252.07 kbits/sec 166.16 MB Listen Download
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