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Adriana Alexander - The Honour of Sharing : the Sharing of Honour

58 mins 57 secs,  53.85 MB,  MP3  44100 Hz,  124.72 kbits/sec
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Description: How does a Lovari extended family enact the sharing of material resources, and of intangible gifts conveyed through gesture, dance, song and speech? How do these practices confer identity and what may they have in common with those of certain communities in Europe, perhaps in the Middle East and Central Asia, and in their country of origin – India? After a brief overview of current knowledge and hypotheses regarding the origin of Romani communities, with some comments on their distribution in Europe today, I will present points of view put forward by Romani and other authors in the ongoing debate about how the ancestors of today’s Romani communities may have fitted into the Hindu caste system. A resolution of this issue will need to be informed by new insights gained from linguistics and genetics, but also by the cultural practices and the actual religious beliefs of Romani communities in Europe and those of – perhaps related – groups in the Middle East, Central Asia, and India itself. To illustrate the culture and beliefs of Romani communities, I will show extracts from the video of a recent wedding celebrated by a Lovari family.
Created: 2015-01-22 14:36
Collection: Humanities Society
Wolfson College Humanities Society
Publisher: Wolfson College, Cambridge
Copyright: Adriana Alexander
Language: eng (English)
Available Formats
Format Quality Bitrate Size
MP3 44100 Hz 249.73 kbits/sec 107.71 MB Listen
MP3 * 44100 Hz 124.72 kbits/sec 53.85 MB Listen
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