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David Jacques: Blick Mead: The Cradle of Stonehenge?

55 mins 50 secs,  102.14 MB,  MP3  44100 Hz,  249.76 kbits/sec
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Description: The discovery of a spring complex, adjacent to Vespasian's Camp and just over a mile from Stonehenge, with well preserved and substantial Mesolithic deposits, potentially transforms our understanding of the Mesolithic use of the pre Stonehenge landscape, and the establishment of its later ritual landscape. This talk outlines the newly discovered local landscape history of the Vespasian's Camp area, the field interventions, and concludes with a review of the site and its wider significance and context for the later development of the Stonehenge ritual landscape.
Created: 2014-05-13 10:51
Collection: Humanities Society
Wolfson College Humanities Society
Publisher: Wolfson College Cambridge
Copyright: David Jacques
Language: eng (English)
Keywords: Archaeology; Archaeology and Anthropology; History;
Abstract: The discovery of a spring complex, adjacent to Vespasian's Camp and just over a mile from Stonehenge, with well preserved and substantial Mesolithic deposits, potentially transforms our understanding of the Mesolithic use of the pre Stonehenge landscape, and the establishment of its later ritual landscape. This talk outlines the newly discovered local landscape history of the Vespasian's Camp area, the field interventions, and concludes with a review of the site and its wider significance and context for the later development of the Stonehenge ritual landscape.
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MP3 * 44100 Hz 249.76 kbits/sec 102.14 MB Listen
MP3 44100 Hz 124.73 kbits/sec 51.07 MB Listen
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